Sunday, March 27, 2011

PKM Update March 25 2011

Kochani, This practice will be dedicated to developing a Standard PKM One-hour Program. I have put together a proposal and we will discuss at 8:30. Please bring your ideas and lets come up with a plan that showcases our suites and costumes and and makes it easy to put on a show:) At 9PM we will start dancing. The PKM Glee practice will begin at 7:30. We are still accepting donations for the Orphanage in Poland. The first package will be sent out next week, but since there are many donations, we will send out one package a week for the next few weeks. List attached. On Sunday, before the Pan Wolodyjowski film was shown, PKM held Opening Ceremonies for the Polish Home Volleyball Court! See photos. Besides cutting the red ribbon, we went on to play for two hours in the perfect weather, enjoying this new facility and each other's company. As soon as the weather gets better, we will hold regular volleyball practices before dance practice. Also, some are talking about organizing a tournament with other Polish organizations. Debbie, let your ladies in the choir know they have been challenged:) Our Costume Avengers are working very hard at organizing our costumes. If you have not done so already, please bring all PKM costumes from your home so they can inventory it and tag it approprietly. Thanks! In this time of lent, some of you may wish to attend a traditional Polish Gorzkie Zale at the St. Adalbert's church. The ceremony starts at 7PM and every week another your organization hosts the event. Check it out.